
What Can be the Cause of Brown Discharge Instead of Period?

Menstruation is the process of rejection and discharge of previously proliferated endometrium through the vagina. Brown mucous discharge instead of period can be associated with perimenopause, hormonal disruption, stress, etc. Another explanation for having brown spotting instead of period is implantation bleeding.

Menstruation is natural bleeding from the uterine cavity. It has to do with the fact that each month the female organism prepares itself for pregnancy. Under the influence of a group of hormones the ovum matures and emerges from the follicle. At the same time, under the influence of another group of hormones, the mucous lining of the uterus gets expanded and filled with nutritive substances. In case conception does not take place – the unnecessary thick endometrial layer exfoliates and discharges through the vagina.

The intensity of periods is rather variable. It depends on the level of physical activity of the woman, her physical and mental condition. So, what does brown discharge instead of period mean?

Main causes of brown discharge instead of period

First of all, it should be noted that the brown color of spotting is indicative to the presence of blood in the discharge, even if there is not too much of it. Such scant bleeding can replace a period, mostly for those women, who have stepped over the verge of maturity.

At the age of 45-50, menopause has not yet started, as the reproductive function is declining eventually. In these cases, brown discharge instead of period is rather common. This phenomenon can provisionally be referred to physiological alteration in the organism. In case it does not cause any discomfort and is not accompanied by other symptoms of an early or pathological menopause (flushes, revulsion, oscillation of arterial tension), then this process does not require any correction.

At a younger age having brown mucous discharge instead of a period can be caused by:

  • Hormonal disruption, particularly associated with the appearance of an anovulatory cycle;
  • Going through a severe stress or disease (for example, pneumonia or oncological diseases);
  • Changes of weather conditions (moving to another region, travelling);
  • Drastic decrease of body weight.

The polycystic ovary syndrome and thyroid diseases are among the most common hormonal dysfunctions. The mentioned conditions are able to affect the course of a regular menstrual cycle and impede proper preparation of the follicle and endometrium. In the result, instead of usual amount of blood, only slightly colored mucus is being discharged. Such a period might also have a shorter duration.

Scant menstrual discharge is also typical to an organism, which has been attenuated due to a stress, general diseases or an exhausting diet. In such cases, for the restoration of a normal endocrine profile, it is required to consult a doctor to develop a proper diet, with sufficient content of healthy ingredients, proteins and iron, as well as go through a medical therapy (including sedatives and vitamins), if necessary.

To recover the periods, which have become scant due to a trip, you should just go through the adjustment period and not worry.

What if it’s pregnancy?

For 20-30% of women, pregnancy can start with the so-called implantation bleeding (IB), which can be similar to brown discharge instead of period. To dispel your doubts, you should keep in mind that IB occurs a few days earlier than regular periods and is not accompanied by cramps. Besides, implantation can be followed by other pregnancy symptoms, such as sickness, taste disturbance, etc.

One time brown mucous discharge instead of period, especially if it was preceded by one of the mentioned factors, is not a cause for concern. Reoccurrence of such a phenomenon must put you on alarm and prompt you to visit a clinic, where etiology will be accurately established and corrected to the extent possible.

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