
Very Light Period

very light period

Very light period should alarm you, because in most cases there’s a serious health problem that stands behind it. However, it doesn`t mean that scanty menstruation is always a pathology. For example, it can be the first symptom of the ‘interesting condition’, i.e. pregnancy. Side effects of the hormonal contraception can also cause scanty menses. Here we will try to give theoretical answers to main questions about light periods, their causes and consequences. Only your gynecologist can determine the true cause of this unusual symptom on practice. Read more..

For a professional weight loss women are mostly used to refer to a fitness instructor or cosmetic surgeon. But it is necessary to remember that the weight optimization is a long process which needs to maintain the results throughout life. And that is why we often need professional help of gynecologist, endocrinologist and sometimes even psychologist!

Excess Weight and Reproductive System

Throughout the life woman’s weight should be optimized, i.e. to fit within a Body Mass Index (BMI). If your BMI is above the healthy range, perhaps it will lead to a violation of the reproductive system. Obesity leads to disruption of the reproductive function of women, accompanied by a high rate of anovulation (lack of ovulation), the states of hyperandrogenism, menstrual irregularities, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The relationship between the amount of fat and estrogen (female hormone) is as follows: the more fat, the lower the amount of estrogen and their activity. In addition, there are secondary effects of accumulated fat on the ovaries.

Excess Weight and Pregnancy

Being overweight has a negative impact even on the course of pregnancy. According to gynecologists and endocrinologists, women with excess body weight has less chance of a successful pregnancy, even if they are young and have a regular menstrual cycle.Pregnancy complications may be various: the threat of termination of pregnancy, preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), gestational diabetes, fetal malnutrition. Childbirth can become complicated by violation of uterine activity, excessive child weight and so on. With body mass index of more than 30, probability of cesarean increases in 5.82 times.

Excess Weight and Cancer

The risk of developing uterine cancer depends directly on the excess weight, and 10 times higher among women whose weight is 25 kg more than normal. A similar mechanism explains why the incidence of breast cancer in 50-year-old female weighing 80 kg, 48% higher than their contemporaries of normal weight. And one more figure, reflecting the negative impact of excess weight on health: 30% of women who have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome suffer various degrees of obesity. Moreover, if the girl on the eve of puberty are overweight, the likelihood of developing polycystic ovary syndrome it is also higher.

Problems caused by underweight

Obesity is not the only negative factor in woman’s health. The fat cells play an important role in metabolic processes, including the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. They form the female sex hormones (from the “male” androgens), converted from a less active form, estrone, to a more active estradiol. For that reason another dangerous thing for women health is leanness. Leanness brings other devastating consequences like gastrointestinal, gynecological, endocrine diseases. With a decrease in body weight below the norm of 15% stop periods, often these processes are irreversible.

So it is necessary to keep weight within the normal range during every period of life, as the relationship between visual appeal and the internal health is undeniable.

Normal vaginal discharge is milky white or crystal clear without any odour. Frequency of discharge is influenced mainly due to hormonal imbalances in the female body. However, infection in the vagina can completely change the colour, smell, and texture. In many cases, vaginal infections are accompanied by other symptoms including burning, itching, spotting, or discomfort.

Causes of green vaginal discharge are:

Trichomoniasis – This is a common STD affecting young and sexually active females. Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan parasite that causes Trichomoniasis. Usually, it is identified as having a fishy-smelling, greenish-yellow frothy vaginal discharge. It is combined with soreness and irritation in the skin surrounding the vulva with swollen labia. This may root pain/discomfort during libido, and urination.

Chlamydia – This STD is rooted by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis that can damage a female’s reproductive organ. Symptoms are mild or absent, but causes permanent damage like infertility, which occurs silently before the lady recognizes there is a problem.

Chlamydia symptoms comprise of abnormal, greenish-yellow and fishy smelling cervical discharge. In addition, there is lower back pain, nausea, burning sensation during urination, fever, irregular vaginal bleeding, and pain during sexual activity and eye-infection.

Gonorrhea – Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium causes this STD. The bacteria are capable of developing and multiplying easily in moist and warm areas within the urethra, uterus, cervix, Fallopian tubes as well as in your throat, mouth, eyes and anus.

It is recommended that every woman diagnosed with gonorrhea must also take the treatment for chlamydia. About 50% infected females have no symptoms, but in the early stages they do experience an increase in green vaginal discharge, abnormal bleeding, and frequent urination. Besides redness, pain, itching, and swelling around the genitals can also be experienced.

Bacterial vaginosis – It is also called ‘anaerobic vaginosis’. It is an imbalance of good and harmless bacteria present in the vaginal lining.  However, due to some reason the bacteria start multiplying causing green-yellow and fishy smelling discharge. This disease also includes irritation, itching, swelling of the labia and painful urination.

Foreign body in the vagina – Teenagers use tampons during menses and occasionally they forget to remove them for days. Even condom breakage can result in latex material left behind in the vagina. Adults may place some foreign object inside the vagina during sexual activity.

As a result of misuse they experience symptoms that include unpleasant smelling green/yellow or pink/brown discharge. Discomfort during urination, itching, swelling, redness, pelvic/abdominal pain, and light vaginal bleeding are the symptoms.

Lichen sclerosus – It is a skin disorder that occurs in the vulva. In the beginning there are small white patches that are not seen, but over time these spots develop and the texture and colour of the skin changes. The skin becomes thin and wrinkled, which tears easily causing purple or red bruises accompanied with itching and pain.

Under no circumstances must women ignore green vaginal discharge. Traditional methods of getting rid of this green secreted fluid can be used, but the root cause still lingers, which can surely resurface in future. Therefore, it is better to get the underlying cause diagnosed with the help of your health care provider. A treatment plan can be developed to reduce the potential risk of ectopic pregnancy, infertility, PID infection, and spread of STD’s.

All females experience vaginal discharge or Leukorrhea (scientific term) through their reproductive years. It is a sticky and thick fluid secreted from the vagina. Some of the reasons that prompt the vaginal secretion to differ in every woman are hormonal changes, infections, and malignancy.

Leukorrhea or normal discharge is a defence mechanism to stabilize and balance the acidic chemicals in the vaginal environment. This whitish or sometimes yellowish secretion helps to preserve the vaginal tissues flexibility as well as protect it from infections.

Vaginal discharge may or may not display signs and symptoms of infection, but if they are green, yellow, white, brown, or grey with bad odour then it is wise to consult your doctor. Many women experience pain in the abdominal area, discomfort during intercourse, itching, or soreness. Treatments are planned according to the cause of this problem.

During pregnancy

Under normal conditions pale yellowish, odourless vaginal discharge is emitted during various pregnancy trimesters. This occurrence is a result of increased estrogen levels. However, if the fluid smells unpleasant and is frothy accompanied with irritation and itching then it may be due to vaginal infection.

Yellow vaginal discharge with unpleasant odour is caused due to several other infections. These diseases may include sexually transmitted disease or organic bacterial infections.

  • Cervicitis – It is the swelling of cervix and most often caused by imbalance in the development of bacteria (bacterial vaginosis) in the vaginal lining. In several cases, it can be due to Pessary, Cervical cap, and allergy due to latex condoms/spermicides. Even STD’s like gonorrhoea, chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis and genital warts can cause cervicitis.
  • Vulvovaginitis – It is an infection in the vagina and vulva. It affects every woman once in their lifetime. It is rooted by yeast, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Several STD’s also causes vulvovaginitis as well as chemicals found in soaps, perfumes, and bubble baths. Even allergens and poor hygiene are the factors that trigger this condition. Symptoms are vaginal dryness, pain, brown/yellow fluid, foul-odour, discomfort, itching, and irritation in genital region.
  • Chlamydia – This evil disease (STD) is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachmatis. It is commonly spread through sexual contact, so practice safe sex and condoms must be used to lessen the chances of getting infected with chlamydia. Loss of appetite, discharge from anus, eye-infection, infertility, and pain during urination are some of the symptoms.
  • Gonorrhoea – It is transmitted sexually. It can also be spread through vagina, mouth, anus or penis contact. Symptoms include frequent urination, fever, sore throat, mouth lesions, yellow vaginal discharge, and pain during intercourse/urination.
  • Trichomoniasis – This STD affects females, who are sexually active. Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes this disease. Greenish, yellow, foul, frothy vaginal discharge is experienced. Urination issues, uneasiness during libido, soreness, and irritation around the genital regions are the symptoms that appear within five to twenty-eight days after exposure.

Treatment for yellow discharge

In normal conditions, if you have yellow discharge without any above symptoms then do the following:

  1. Maintain good personal cleanliness
  2. Wear cotton clean under-wears
  3. Use high-quality hygiene products
  4. Be careful during libido and protect yourself

In case of, abnormal yellow vaginal discharge with foul odour accompanied with pain, itching, burning and urination issues needs to be instantly diagnosed by a doctor. The vaginal network is complex, which easily gets disrupted due to incorrect treatment and can take years to restore the micro-flora (good bacteria). This is the reason why you should not engage in self-medication, but take professional help.