
Normally vaginal discharge between periods is almost transparent, since its main component is cervical mucus. Observing pink discharge before period is an alerting symptom. It can be explained by 3 physiological and at least 8 pathological factors. To find the difference between them, one may choose to answer eight questions, provided in our article. However, this does not always help in accurate diagnostics. Making a diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment, if necessary, is only up to a gynecologist. Read more..

We distinguish between physiological or pathological vaginal spotting during pregnancy. The first type occurs in the form of implantation bleeding, while the second is caused by microtrauma of the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse, chronic infection, subchorionic hemorrhage or discharge of the plug (the final days before labor). Bleeding while pregnant is always a threatening symptom. It can develop in case of disturbance of the course of pregnancy – normal or ectopic or in case of a hydatidiform mole. It can also be associated with placental pathologies. It is required to consult a gynecologist, observing any amount of blood, discharged from the vagina. Among other things, bleeding also requires hospitalization. Read more..

Normally vaginal discharge appears in the form of cervical mucus, which is produced in six stages, exfoliated endothelial lining and agents of normal microflora. Pathologies develop on the background of any imbalance in these components. We can outline five basic types of anomalous white discharge before period: curdy, cream-like discharge with a fishy smell, foamy, profuse liquid discharge and secrete with admixtures. Only a specialist can define the type of pathology after thorough examination. Read more..

Vaginal discharge acquires brown coloring in case there is blood in it. Physiologically determined brown discharge after periods can testify to ovulation, implantation or adjustment to hormonal contraceptives. In pathological cases brown spotting amidst the cycle usually goes in line with other admixtures present in vaginal mucus, as well as vaginal discomfort, pain, irregular menstrual cycle and other concomitant symptoms. Finding out their origin can be best done with the help of a gynecologist. Read more..